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#1 22.06.2018 08:50

Зарегистрирован: 22.06.2018
Сообщений: 1

Social Media Manager

How would you like to send 1 simple text message to post to all of your social media accounts? Now you can with Social Media Poster! We’ve engineered a system that allows you to post to all of your pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ by sending a simple text message.
Imagine being able to allow your sales staff to post personalized thank you messages to customers that purchased vehicles directly to your social media pages. These customers and your staff can tag themselves in these posts which will let all of their friends see that they bought a car from YOUR dealership. Don’t worry, we will moderate all posts made by your employees for spelling, grammar and content before they are posted to your social media sites. Expand your social presence today!
We offer:
Setup, design and optimization of your social media pages.
Ability to post to all of your social media sites by sending a text message.
We scour the web for pertinent content that will get your customers to engage and interact with your social pages. We make these posts for you!
We can even schedule posts to advertise your service specials or anything else you would like posted.
We also monitor your online reviews & notify you when a bad review is received so that you can respond immediately. This will GREATLY help to maintain a good online reputation.
We will also network with users and other local pages to grow your following.
Best of all, we save you TIME and MONEY.
Find our more & visit our site. Social Media Manager

Social Media Poster provides complete managment of your social media pages. Our main focus is helping auto dealers expand their social presence.
Find our more & visit our site. Social Media Manager

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