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A kiss or the act itself is man's profound gesture of expressing love, affection, devotion and respect or for others a tradition or a practice. It may be given or received out of love channeled to imply message from the heart or adhering to the essence of human nature.
A kiss is the most meaningful and emotionally expressive in all of man's actions and gestures. It serves people to keep each others relationship and intimacy or heals pain and ease anguish.
A kiss can also have different meanings such as friendship, affection, passion, romance and many others. Kissing plays a vital role in a person’s relationship since it is said to foster romantic compatibility. The act of kissing has become addictive to humans since kissing unleashes different chemicals that relate to social bonding and sexual stimulation. It triggers different sensations and feelings in a person such as closeness and sexual excitement. In an intimate relationship, a kiss has emotional connotations and it is related to how couples feel about each other. It is said that couples are able to communicate more on a romantic level if they kiss more often. Please visit our site. Dictionary of love
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