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#1 16.11.2017 14:00

Зарегистрирован: 16.11.2017
Сообщений: 1


Spoil your inner golfer or the golfer in your life. Casa Velas' prime location on the 18-hole, 6701 yard Marina Vallarta Golf Course makes it the perfect place to focus on the greatest game in the world.  Play this fabulous course or tee off on the Jack Nicklaus or Tom Weiskopf courses at Vista Vallarta GolfClub   Vallarta Nayarit

Spoil your inner golfer or the golfer in your life. Casa Velas' prime location on the 18-hole, 6701 yard Marina Vallarta Golf Course makes it the perfect place to focus on the greatest game in the world.  Play this fabulous course or tee off on the Jack Nicklaus or Tom Weiskopf courses at Vista Vallarta GolfClub  Vallarta Nayarit

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