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Сайты по CSS и (x)HTML

Posted By Евгений Клоков On 29th Сентябрь 2005 @ 10:29 In | Comments Disabled

Article printed from hotibo.ru: http://hotibo.ru

URL to article: /cssxhtmlsites/

URLs in this post:
[1] Webmascon - журнал для веб-мастеров (ru): http://webmascon.com/
[2] XHTML в Википедии (ru): http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML
[3] CSS в Википедии (ru): http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Css
[4] Объект XMLHttpRequest (ru): http://xmlhttprequest.ru/
[5] Заметки HTML кодера (ru): http://htmlcoder.visions.ru/
[6] Ководство (ru): http://artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo2/
[7] A List Apart (en): http://alistapart.com/
[8] Stopdesign (en): http://stopdesign.com
[9] BrainJar.com: Experiments in Web Programming (en): http://brainjar.com/
[10] Max Design (en): http://maxdesign.com.au/
[11] mezzoblue (en): http://mezzoblue.com/
[12] css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design (en): http://csszengarden.com/
[13] Веб-анатомия по воскресеньям с Артемием Ломовым (ru): http://ezhe.ru/ib/archive.html?all10780
[14] webber - сетевой журнал (ru): http://webber.ru/
[15] molly.com (en): http://molly.com/
[16] SiteMaker.Ru - Академия сайтостроительства (ru): http://sitemaker.ru/
[17] Position Is Everything - modern browser bugs explained in detail! (en): http://positioniseverything.net/
[18] Web Specifications Supported in Opera (en): http://opera.com/docs/specs/
[19] MSDN Web Development (en): http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnanchor/html/anch_webdev.asp
[20] SitePoint: New Articles, Fresh Thinking for Web Developers and Designers (en): http://sitepoint.com/
[21] HTML-справочник (ru): http://html.manual.ru/
[22] CSS-справочник (ru): http://css.manual.ru/
[23] Easy Web Scripts (ru): http://easywebscripts.net/
[24] The W3C CSS Validation Service (en): http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
[25] The Web Standards Project (en): http://webstandards.org/
[26] CSS Design Showcase (en): http://cssbeauty.com/
[27] Quality Tips for Webmasters (en): http://w3.org/QA/Tips/
[28] CSS 2 (ru): http://pyramidin.narod.ru/css2/
[29] XHTML 1.0 (ru): http://pyramidin.narod.ru/xhtml/overview.html
[30] CSS tips & tricks (en): http://w3.org/Style/Examples/007/
[31] Сайтостроительство. Библиотека I2R (ru): http://i2r.ru/static/244/
[32] TopStyle 3.11 (en):
[33] aplus moments (en): http://aplus.co.yu/
[34] the CSS playground (en): http://cssplay.co.uk/
[35] WebmasterWorld Forums (en): http://webmasterworld.com/category21.htm
[36] The Webmaster"s Reference Library (en): http://webreference.com/
[37] Web Browser Standards Support (en): http://nanobox.chipx86.com/browser_support.php
[38] CSS - ILoveJackDaniels.com (en): http://ilovejackdaniels.com/css/
[39] Xpoint - Интернет (ru): http://xpoint.ru/forums/internet/
[40] The CSS and XHTML Lab (en): http://456bereastreet.com/lab/
[41] Eric Meyer: CSS (en): http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/
[42] CSS Stuff - XHTML/CSS - 3 column layouts - Netscape 4 compatible (en): http://fu2k.org/alex/css/index.mhtml
[43] HTML and CSS Tutorials, References, Articles and News - HTML Dog (en): http://htmldog.com/
[44] W3Schools Online Web Tutorials (en): http://w3schools.com/
[45] Real World Style (en): http://realworldstyle.com/
[46] QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks (en): http://quirksmode.org/
[47] Web Specifications Supported in Opera (en): http://opera.com/docs/specs/
[48] Web-Dev-Bookmarks (en): http://alvit.de/web-dev/
[49] HTML and PHP Scripts - Label For Css Xhtml (en): http://vlasishost.com/news/label-for-css-xhtml.html
[50] badboy.media.design (en): http://badboy.ro/articles/2005-07-23/index.php
[51] ThreeColumnLayouts (en): http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ThreeColumnLayouts
[52] CSS tests and experiments (en): http://brunildo.org/test/
[53] SimpleBits (en): http://simplebits.com/
[54] W3C specifications CHM (en): http://parabox.ru/w3chm/
[55] Подбор шрифтов(en): http://typetester.maratz.com/
[56] Микроформаты, шпаргалка (en): http://suda.co.uk/projects/microformats/cheatsheet/
[57] Как сделать... Javascript, css, html учебники (en): http://howtocreate.co.uk/

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